
Welcome to the OpenTalent Partnership Program 🎉, a unique platform designed to forge meaningful connections between high-skilled professionals and distinguished companies. Our program offers an exclusive opportunity for businesses to engage with over 30,000 talents across Europe, offering them special deals and promotions.


Our goal is to create a symbiotic ecosystem 🌱 where both professionals and businesses can thrive. By participating in the Partnership program, companies gain unprecedented access to a targeted audience, enhance their brand visibility, and engage with a vibrant community.

Program Benefits

  1. Access to a Targeted Audience 🔍: Connect with a diverse range of professionals, including digital nomads, working professionals, founders, and investors. This direct access allows for the effective promotion of products or services to a receptive and relevant audience.
  2. Increased Visibility and Brand Exposure 🌐: Participating in the Partnership program opens doors to enhanced brand exposure within our expansive network spanning 29 countries, fostering increased recognition and word-of-mouth referrals.
  3. Engagement with a Highly Engaged Community 💡: Our members, advocates of remote working, often find themselves in exotic locations worldwide. Offering exclusive discounts to this dynamic group not only taps into their enthusiasm but also builds lasting relationships and loyalty.
  4. Expansive Networking Opportunities 🤝: The Partnership program is not just about promotions; it's a networking hub. Engage with other participating companies, share ideas, and explore collaborative and cross-promotional opportunities.

How to Participate

  1. Offer Customization ✂️: As a participating company, you have the flexibility to design the discount or special offer. Be it a percentage off, a time-limited promotion, or an exclusive bundle, tailor your offer to align with your business goals.
  2. Process of Joining 🚀: To join the Partnership program, simply respond to this invitation or book a meeting via the provided link. Our team will guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth integration into our platform.


The OpenTalent Partnership program is more than just a promotional tool; it's a community-centric platform aimed at fostering growth and building lasting relationships 🤗. We invite you to join us in this exciting venture and look forward to welcoming you aboard.