Hey there! Ready to revolutionize your recruiting game? Here’s what you’ll love about enrolling in OpenTalent for Recruiters:

  1. Get Your Jobs Out There!

You can post three job openings simultaneously. Whether it's for freelancers or full-timers, we've got you covered. Once you post, watch as matching candidates roll in from your community. Can't find the right fit? No worries! Dive into our massive pool of over 35,000 talented folks. And here's the best part: if you find your dream candidate through our instant matching, you can hire them without paying any commission!*

  1. Work with Talent Matchers to close roles

    Need a hand finding the right people for your roles? No problem! If you can't find the perfect match on OpenTalent, you can team up with Talent Matchers. Just offer a finder’s fee, and they'll get on the case. You get to choose who you want to work with and can even bring in multiple matchers for a role. Once they find the right fit and make a successful placement, you pay the agreed finder’s fee. It’s a no-cure, no-pay deal, so you only pay up when they nail it!

  2. Build your crew: up to 500 Community Members per Seat

Ever tried keeping track of all those CVs? It's a hassle! But fear not. With OpenTalent, you can invite up to 500 candidates to your community and keep everything neat and tidy. Our platform makes sure their profiles stay fresh. And when you need to fill a job, our smart matching system finds your perfect match in a snap!

  1. Your Own Personal Landing Page

Establishing a strong personal brand is essential for recruiters. To address this need, say hello to your very own personalized landing page with OpenTalent! It's like your online showcase where you can flaunt your skills, experience, and all those glowing reviews from past clients and candidates. Plus, there's a handy link for candidates to join your crew and a spot for clients to book your services hassle-free.

  1. Access Top Talent Across Europe on OpenTalent

Joining OpenTalent isn't just about building your crew; it's about joining a community of over 35,000 talented pros across Europe! Browse their profiles, add them to your circle, and watch your network grow. With over 100 new faces joining daily, there's always someone new to connect with!

  1. Complementary access to the Talent Matcher Program

    On enrolling in OpenTalent for Recruiters you will get complementary access to the Talent Matcher program where you will be able to work for OpenTalent clients and source candidates for their roles for a finder’s fee. Want to know more? Check out the details right here.

  2. Additional perks

All platform features of OpenTalent